What command do I need to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file? - Ask ... 2011年2月8日 - Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. ... I received a huge .tar.gz file from a client that contains about 800 mb of image files ... [esthers@clients locations]$ unzip community_images.tar.gz ...
installation - How to extract a tar.gz file - Ask Ubuntu 2013年2月27日 - I am new to Ubuntu and I would like to know how I extract a tar.gz file. ... do not install software from tar.gz files when you are new to Ubuntu.
tar - How to uncompress separated tgz files? - Ask Ubuntu 2012年12月19日 - I am receiving error message as: tar -zxvf OVM_EL5U3_X86_EBIZ12.1.1_DB_VIS_PVM.tgz.1 gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned ...
How to extract archives to file system in terminal? - Ask Ubuntu 2012年5月28日 - x means to extract. v means to list the files as it extracts them (you can leave this off if you like). z means to gunzip it (as the .tar archive is itself ...
How to extract files to another directory using 'tar' command ... 2011年5月26日 - I think tar archive.tar /users/mylocation will work. ... To extract an archive to a directory different from the current, use the -C , or --directory , tar ...
how to use sudo command to install .tar.gz? - Ask Ubuntu 2012年9月21日 - No need to use sudo to unpack the archive. Type this in a terminal: tar -xzf archive.tar.gz. Or you can just double-click on the archive from ...
Linux / UNIX command to open .gz files - nixCraft 2007年10月4日 - Files with extension tar.gz or .tgz are tar files compressed with gzip. On Unix ... I have dual-boot system[Windows xp home and ubuntu 8.10].
[ubuntu] How can I unzip a tar.gz file? - Ubuntu Forums The download file is as follows; codeblocks_8.02-0ubuntu1.deb.tar.gz Is there software I need to open this tar.gz file? If so, where can I get it ...
How can I extract .tar file in Ubuntu's terminal? - Yahoo Answers 2008年12月11日 - tar -xvf filename.tar "man tar" for more info.
How to open a tar file in Unix or Linux | USB Pen Drive Linux Type tar -zxvf yourfile.tar.gz to extract the file to the current directory. ... Install MCNLive Toronto to a Flash Drive in Windows · Ubuntu Remote Desktop Sharing.